
For inquiries regarding the utilization of ethnobotanicals, or in case you are experiencing an adverse situation or difficulty integrating and experience, please read this page. For inquiries regarding legal support , please read this page.

  • We don’t offer sessions of ayahuasca or iboga.
  • We don’t recommend centers or people who perform/do sessions.

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    Carrer de Sepúlveda, 65 , Oficina 2, 08015 Barcelona España +34 931 88 20 99
    ENROLLMENT OPEN - Increasing the Safety of Ayahuasca Sessions. Learn More Now
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    New Guide: “Towards Better Ayahuasca Practices”


    How can we achieve better ayahuasca practices? The search for information about ayahuasca tends to be a hazardous task. There are plenty of writings, videos, studies and books relatively accessible online. However, it is common for knowledge to be varied in terms of quality and rigor and information is often not comprehensive.

    Better ayahuasca practices

    To address this gap, ICEERS is launching a new informative guide on ayahuasca, which was commissioned by the Department of Health of the Generalitat de Catalunya. “Towards Better Ayahuasca Practices: A Guide for Organizers and Participants” is a compilation of basic ethical and security standards for the use of ayahuasca in non-Amazonian contexts and deals with areas of legality and both individual and collective responsibility.

    To our knowledge, this is the first time that any health department in the world has published a safety guide for ayahuasca. In this regard, we want to thank all the people and collectives that, over decades, have paved the way and contributed with much of the information that has made the publication of this guide possible. This is a collective victory and a recognition of the value of previous resources that were stigmatized or of low quality.

    The first all-encompassing safety guide to #ayahuasca sessions published by a government health department. Click To Tweet

    ICEERS also extends our thanks to the Sub-Directorate General of Drug Dependencies of the Department of Health of the Generalitat of Catalunya for their commitment to this type of collaboration and their willingness to be at the forefront of emerging public health phenomena with the goal of minimizing risks and maximizing benefits.

    The guide is over 40 pages and is available in three languages: Catalan, Spanish and English. It can be downloaded for free in PDF format from the Canal Drogues website of the Generalitat de Catalunya:

    🔸 English

    🔸 Catalan

    🔸 Spanish

    Image by Terpsichore – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,

    Categories: Noticias , NEWS , Ayahuasca , PSYCHEPLANTS
    Tags: study , information , guide , ayahuasca

    Technical Report ICEERS PsychePlants

    Free Psychoactive Report

    A 190-page technical report that provides information about twelve psychedelic plants and fungi. Information covered includes chemical components and methods of use, cultural history, legal and risk reduction information.