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    búsqueda de sensaciones sensation seeking conducta antisocial

    Sensation Seeking and Antisocial Behavior


    Sensation seeking and antisocial behavior

    Miguel Ángel Alcázar, Antonio Verdejo, José Carlos Bouso, and Joaquín Ortega.

    Anuario de Psicología Jurídica



    About the study

    This study explores several dimensions of the relationship between sensation seeking, impulsivity, and substance use, in addition to addressing the influence of executive functions on these behaviors. It highlights that people with a high degree of impulsivity and sensation seeking tend to be more susceptible to substance use and the development of addictive behaviors.

    The research also highlights that these personality traits have a neurobiological basis, mentioning the role of mesolimbic reward pathways and prefrontal control areas in impulsivity and sensation seeking. In addition, the absence of behavioral inhibition is related to lower scores in executive functions, which are crucial for self-regulation and decision making. From an evolutionary and genetic perspective, it is pointed out that sensation seeking has a complex basis, involving both genetic and environmental factors.

    In conclusion, the text emphasizes the complexity and multidimensionality of the factors that contribute to substance use and addictive behaviors, highlighting the need for comprehensive approaches to understand and address these issues.



    Nowadays, there is an increasing body of research linking the novelty seeking dimension with the brain reward system: the mesocortical dopaminergic system. The objective of this review is to analyze the relationships between novelty seeking, risk, and reward, and their links with externalization behaviors (antisocial, risk, and drug abuse behaviors). The integration of these theories, along with the results of the research reviewed, suggests that the maturing of the rewarding dopaminergic system in the adolescence may underline temperamental traits such as impulsivity and novelty seeking.


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    Photo by Clément Bélus on Unsplash.


    Categories: Studies & papers , Others
    Tags: scientific research , study , risk reduction , brain , antisocial behavior , impulsivity