
For inquiries regarding the utilization of ethnobotanicals, or in case you are experiencing an adverse situation or difficulty integrating and experience, please read this page. For inquiries regarding legal support , please read this page.

  • We don’t offer sessions of ayahuasca or iboga.
  • We don’t recommend centers or people who perform/do sessions.

    map mapa marcador ICEERS


    Carrer de Sepúlveda, 65 , Oficina 2, 08015 Barcelona España +34 931 88 20 99
    ENROLLMENT OPEN - Increasing the Safety of Ayahuasca Sessions. Learn More Now
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    Supporters & Partners

    Our work would not be possible without the financial support of our funders and donors. We are also grateful for our fiscal sponsors, partners, and collaborators.


    Current Funders

    Open Society Foundations
    Dr. Bronner’s
    RiverStyx Foundation
    Aurora Foundation
    Nikean Foundation
    Etheridge Foundation
    Fundación Alchimia Solidària
    Fundación Canna
    Generalitat de Catalunya
    Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies

    Key Supporters

    Anton Bilton
    Christian Jochnik

    Many thanks also to our monthly donors & supporters and all those who have contributed to our work.

    Past Funders

    Threshold Foundation
    Endoca Foundation
    Evolve Foundation
    The Little Charity
    European Union
    Ayuntamiento de Barcelona
    Viriditas Foundation
    Beckley Foundation


    Fiscal Sponsors

    Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies
    Beckley Foundation


    Grow Medicine
    Indigenous Medicine Conservation Fund
    Blessings Of The Forest
    TransNational Institute (TNI)
    Associazione Luca Coscioni
    Synergetic Press
    Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies
    Beckley Foundation
    Hospital Sant Joan de Reus
    Department of Neuroscience and Behavioural Science, Ribeirão Preto Medical School, University of São Paulo


    ICEERS is a proud member of the following networks and associations:

    International Drug Policy Consortium
    International Association for Cannabinoid Medicines
    Grupo de Estudio de Políticas sobre el Cannabis
    Sociedad Española de Investigación sobre Cannabinoides
    Sociedad Clínica de Endocannabinología
    Medical Anthropology Research Center