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    uso terapéutico cannabis therapeutic use marihuana marijuana study

    Therapeutic Use of Cannabis


    Therapeutic use of cannabis

    José Antonio Ramos-Atance, and José Carlos Bouso.

    Cannabis: un modelo de regulación



    About the study

    This study constitutes the sixth chapter of the book Cannabis: Un modelo de regulación, edited by Grupo de Estudio de Políticas sobre el Cannabis (GEPCA), a multidimensional, institutionally independent study group, made up of people with very different profiles and with very different sensibilities, which puts forward a proposal for a regulatory model in Spain.

    The article reviews the therapeutic use of cannabis, from the direct consumption of the plant to the use of one or more of its components or even of compounds synthesized in a laboratory.

    The medical basis for the therapeutic usefulness of cannabis and its derivatives is becoming increasingly well known. At the same time, more clinical and observational trials are also needed, both with the plant and with the different cannabinnoids that exist, in order to be able to precisely define their level of efficacy and their side effect profile.



    “Oncologists and pain specialists agree that cannabis reduces chronic pain, eliminates nausea and stimulates appetite. It also appears to complement opioid-based treatments by allowing patients to lower their opioid doses. It is a potent muscle relaxant (antispasmodic and smooth muscle relaxant of the bladder) in people with spinal cord injuries (multiple sclerosis, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis). Its anti-inflammatory properties and its immunomodulatory character make it a candidate for participation in the treatment of stroke, arthritis, multiple sclerosis, ulcerative colitis and many other autoimmune diseases. Recently, it has been postulated that some components of cannabis (specifically, tetrahydrocannabivarin, or THCV) may help treat and even prevent the onset of diabetes. An anticonvulsant role has also been attributed to it, preferably associated with cannabidiol (CBD).”


    Link to the article


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    Photo by Chelsea shapouri on Unsplash.

    Categories: Studies & papers , Cannabis
    Tags: study , health , therapeutic , therapy , endocannabinoid system , book chapter , medical cannabis , cannabis , scientific research